
Finance Update 2021

Each month the Finance Team at The Forge look at the figures of what’s come in and what’s gone out; using those facts they then seek to share with staff, elders & trustees what is happening within The Forge, in terms of its financial health. The team asks itself questions like – is income where we want it to be? Are costs being controlled? Are we carefully monitoring restricted income both in and then out again?

The Forge’s annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020 are available here.  These are the accounts we have to prepare each year for Companies House and the Charity Commission. Commenting in the accounts, the Finance Team noted the goodness of God seen in the generosity of the many people who have continued to support the church financially during the pandemic and the good stewardship of the staff in making use of government support and managing costs during the year.  Consequently, we ended the year with strong reserves which will stand us in good stead when restrictions ease.

The May 2021 accounts reflected the steady position seen in previous months.

If you have any questions or observations, please click here to email.